Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Journal 6: No Homework!

Spencer, T. (2011, Sept 19).[Web log message]. Retrieved from

This is a great article, filled with good points. John T. Spencer lays out 10 reasons why homework is bad or not effective. Each point he makes I agree with. I love his points of children are busy and children need to play. There is so much pressure for children to be involved in activities, yet we still expect them to do more school work after school. They do need time for themselves, time to play and learn on their own with out even knowing it. Growing up I felt homework was usually busy work. I support study guides, and the freedom to work on what you want, but the busy work I usually would just cram in and rush through...making it a waste of time. We should be teaching enough in class for the students to understand and work on more if they feel they need too. 
I liked how John explained his points, and got to the point. 

My ideas of 5 Alternatives to Homework:
1. Instead of worksheets, ask the students to get in groups and creatively show what they learned. Act out a skit, make art, short story, as long as they can reexplain the concept. 

2. Have students grocery shop with their parents and encourage them to count money and pay where they go. Even can ask parents to ask their child about discounts that show up. 

3. Use the outside surroundings and resources for the students to explore, keep them wanting to learn!

4. Don't put so much pressure on homework, scaring them away. Make optional if they feel they need more help. 

5. GAMES! A great alternative to homework. They can play with the family, and in class, with friends, and be learning while having fun and not feeling forced. You can make a game with them in class to go play with others.

Journal 5*Extra*

Journal 4: The Flock

Furguson, H. (2010). Join the flock. Learning and Leading with Technology, 37(8), 12-14. Retrieved from

McClintok, S. (2010). Enhance your twitter experience. Learning and Leading with Technology, 37(8), 14-17. Retrieved from


These articles go in depth on building your PLN (professional learning network). They explain how to get resources to come to you and how to expose yourself. It is a way to learn and grow with complete strangers. Building a community via the Internet. There is different explanations of Twitter in these articles. They explain how to make one and how to make it useful, with ways that will benefit you along with your community. I learned so many different ways to build my PLN, even just by tagging or putting time in here and there. It is amazing to me how much technology is growing and how fast we can all obtain resources from each other. Before Ed422 I had a Twitter for fun, not realizing how much it can help me professionally. I was able to make a separate account where I will be able to build my PLN. 
The articles even teach you Twitter terms! Very helpful!


1) Will Twitter enhance my profession and how will it help me expand my PLN?
I feel when used right Twitter is an amazing tool to be updates and constant resources. It is an easy way to expand my personal learning network. Learning how to use hash-tags and finding people with common interest. With new information being constantly updated there is an abundant amount of resources and stories. The chats available are helpful also, such as #ntchat, a great place to meet others in the profession. 

2) Can Twitter be used in the classroom?
Yes! By embracing Twitter you can expose students to many different resources and communities that they wont get anywhere else. You can expose students to a constant flow to updated stories and information. Making different groups also you can share what you learn. Having students follow different topics can inspire them to look more deeply, just by having the information handed to them. Expose them to the online connection to the world.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Journal 3: Flipped Classroom

Fulton, K. F. (2012). Upside down and inside out. flip your classroom to improve student learning. Learning & Leading, 39(8), Retrieved from


A new way of teaching is coming upon us as future teachers. It is amazing how the classroom can change and develop for the better. Minnesota's Bryon High School had their math department think outside the box wen they had no money for text books. The teachers worked hard together and flipped the classroom! This was a way to teach and learn without text books.

Like anything new it took time to work out the quarks, but they worked as a team and developed an effective way to teach. The students lessons are at home and they come into the classroom read to work. The teachers used new tools such as Moodle and You Tube videos to teach lessons. Students can virtually get a lesson anywhere 24/7 with access to the Internet! This idea is amazing to me, I like how much freedom it gives the students, yet they still have classroom time to work out any questions they have. Looking into Faulkner's class it seemed that the day ran smoothly and the students knew what was expected of them. They would get right to work on their own or in groups.
This way of teaching seems to touch on many different ways of learning, visually, auditory, you can work alone, you can work in groups, you can work on your own time. Also students are able to look at other teachers videos getting different angles of instruction.

Mixed emotions have been brought up about the flipped classroom but it seems to be having a positive impact on students and test scores! This new extraordinary way of teaching we will probably see flourish around us.


1) As a student, I wonder how I would have done with a flipped classroom in High School?

I like the idea of the flipped classroom, it is just important that the student has self discipline. I would get my work done in class and made sure I used school time for school, but after school I had many other things going on and I worked! It might have been hard to get time to hear the lesson I needed for the next day. Maybe with one class flipped I could do it, but if the lessons took too much time outside of school I could see it becoming difficult. Now there is Internet everywhere it seems that it may be easier for students to get the lessons. I just comes down to being responsible with your freedom.

2. Can I see myself adopting the flipped classroom idea as a future educator?
Again, I do like the idea of the flipped classroom. I feel it touches on many different learning styles and gives students a chance to learn in a different way. I feel it is important to embrace the technology around us. Why not? Also it SAVES money.

Journal 2: School 2.0 Reflection Tool

After seeing my School 2.0 results I chose to explore NETS-T 4: Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility, Free Technology Toolkit for UDL in All Classrooms 

I was taken to a website powered by Wiki and Glogster. It is a great site full of resources, organized by subject.  You click a subject you are interested in looking for resources in and it shows you a list of options.  There are many different websites supplied for you to go too. I loved the tool kit because it is easy to navigate and visually pleasing. I looked into the study skills tools and was given a list of helpful sites and tips, such as sites to make flash cards, and study games. I can use the study sites throughout my schooling. There was also helpful graphic organizers and writing tools. It is nice to have a place where you can branch out from based on topic or subject.  It literally is a technology tool belt. The tools are free and along with the list there descriptions on each link explaining what the tool can be used for. I can see how this site (home of many other sites) can help anyone. 

Monday, July 9, 2012

Journal 1: 100 Things to my Happiness

100 Things that make me HAPPY...

1. Mama                                                                                    
2. Pops
3. Sisters
4. Andrew Mark Ramer
5. Friends
6. Shaggy (pups)
7. Pugsley (kitty)
8. Sun
9. Beach
10. Movies
11. Palm Springs
12. Reaching Goals
13. Pool Days
14. Food
15. Music
16. Wine
17. Dancing
18. Sand
19. NFL Cowboys
20. Lakers
21. Kings
22. Angles
23. Ice cream
24. Sunday Football                                                                 
25. Tanning
26. Chips and Salsa
27. Cheese
28. Top Gun
29. Little Rascals
30. Cuddles
31. Country Music
32. Temecula Summer Nights
33. Hiking
34. Wii Sports
35. My car
36. My Phone
37. Housewives
38. Bachlorette
39. Kardash
40. Smooches
41. Chocolate
42. Sushi
43. Cannon Balls                                                                           
44. Sharkys Fruit Snacks
45. Spa
46. Bunt Cakes
50. Big Fluffy Bed
51. Otter Pops
52. Disneyland
53. Puppies
54. Babies
55. Future
56. Love
57. Bubbles
58. Bubble Baths
59. Candles
58. Graduation
60. BBQ's
61. Squirt Guns
62. Submarina (double stamp day)                                                         
64. Froyo
65. Waves
66. 4th of July
67. Holidays
68. Las Vegas
69. The River
70. Sand
71. PINK work out
72. ESPN
73. Freebirds
74. In N out
75. Sleep
76. Stars
78. Grandmas
79. Weddings
80. Instagram
81. Pintrest
82. Massages
83. Bora Bora
84. Hummus
85. The Zoo
86. The Journey                                                                                           
87. Carter
89. My other half
90. Concerts
91. Skeiths
92. Ramers
93. Miles Austin                                                                                            
94. Cheerleading
95. Fireworks
96. Lucky Charms
97. Luke Bryan
98. Sneezing
99. The Secret