Twitter is a popular social network site filled with different topics and people sharing their thoughts. Building my PLN I made a professional Twitter account that I can use to hear from other teachers and see educational resources. My network consist of people I can share with and learn from. I have my classmates and professor in my network, along with other educational people I have come across. I am able to follow who I want, having access to there ideas, stories and resources. Being able to share and see what others share is a helpful tool. Twitter is constantly updated and changing. I am able to participate in chats lead by other educational professionals willing to share their wisdom.
August 1st at 5:00 #ntchat, on Tweetchat, held an open conversation for anyone to follow along with. Ntchat stands for new teacher chat and they have scheduled chats with teachers and future teachers. The topic I participated in was based on classroom design. I was amazed with all the participation and how fast the chat was begin updated. A constant flowing feed filled with resources and ideas for the classroom! I learned helpful hints, such as the best way to set up your room, and was able to follow the ones who I felt I want to see on my feed. Everyone was friendly and helpful. It was a great experience and makes me want to attend and explore the other chat options out there to improve my PLN.
Another helpful site for your PLN is Diigo. Diigo is a social networking bookmark site. It allows you to build your own library by bookmarking what sites stand out to you. You are able to tag keywords making it easier to go back and look up. By having an account you are able to look up your library on any computer. Also you can connect and see other peoples sites and ideas of what stood out to them! You can easily find others you relate to by seeing their tagged key words. Diigo makes a toolbar on your page that allows you to highlight and comment on articles or sites as well as bookmarking them. I am able to follow my classmates and professor along with others who share common interest and valuable resources. I benefit from my Diigo account by tagging sites that have been recommended to me and other sites that can help me in my career. All my tags are educational topics and helpful hints to run a smooth classroom. I was able to see what others tagged PLN and found many good websites. One goes deep into defining PLN and what it should mean to you. It gives you tips on how to better you own via Facebook, Wikis, LinkedIn and blogs like this one. A fun site I saved on Diigo that helps me is the A-Z educational Twitter hashtags, this way I can look up common education interest popular in Twitter.
I also joined The Educators PLN, the personal learning network for educators. I was able to make an account and connect with many different educators. I like the layout of the website, constant updates on posts, chats, videos, forums and blogs from others. August 4th Lynda Hall did a post on Wordle, how to make word clouds. There was a video included, along with a list of steps. The site is filled with details and other links that are helpful. You can also chat directly to other PLN educators. It has been nominated for the best use of social network an best Twitter hashtag, along with many other awards.
Briana, you share some wonderful ideas about your journey into technological advancement! Having access to many of these sites has allowed us to grow and continue our own personal development in the world of teaching. Much like you, I also experienced the quickness in which the TweetChat ensued. I would also love to grow my PLN through chatroom experiences, as I am eager to get my name out there and have a constant stream of information associated with my name. By the way, great job on your Wordle!! It is fun little aspects such as this that will make teaching that much more fun and interesting. Learning new things leads to having new things to share with others. Great job on your post :).