Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Journal 3: Flipped Classroom

Fulton, K. F. (2012). Upside down and inside out. flip your classroom to improve student learning. Learning & Leading, 39(8), Retrieved from


A new way of teaching is coming upon us as future teachers. It is amazing how the classroom can change and develop for the better. Minnesota's Bryon High School had their math department think outside the box wen they had no money for text books. The teachers worked hard together and flipped the classroom! This was a way to teach and learn without text books.

Like anything new it took time to work out the quarks, but they worked as a team and developed an effective way to teach. The students lessons are at home and they come into the classroom read to work. The teachers used new tools such as Moodle and You Tube videos to teach lessons. Students can virtually get a lesson anywhere 24/7 with access to the Internet! This idea is amazing to me, I like how much freedom it gives the students, yet they still have classroom time to work out any questions they have. Looking into Faulkner's class it seemed that the day ran smoothly and the students knew what was expected of them. They would get right to work on their own or in groups.
This way of teaching seems to touch on many different ways of learning, visually, auditory, you can work alone, you can work in groups, you can work on your own time. Also students are able to look at other teachers videos getting different angles of instruction.

Mixed emotions have been brought up about the flipped classroom but it seems to be having a positive impact on students and test scores! This new extraordinary way of teaching we will probably see flourish around us.


1) As a student, I wonder how I would have done with a flipped classroom in High School?

I like the idea of the flipped classroom, it is just important that the student has self discipline. I would get my work done in class and made sure I used school time for school, but after school I had many other things going on and I worked! It might have been hard to get time to hear the lesson I needed for the next day. Maybe with one class flipped I could do it, but if the lessons took too much time outside of school I could see it becoming difficult. Now there is Internet everywhere it seems that it may be easier for students to get the lessons. I just comes down to being responsible with your freedom.

2. Can I see myself adopting the flipped classroom idea as a future educator?
Again, I do like the idea of the flipped classroom. I feel it touches on many different learning styles and gives students a chance to learn in a different way. I feel it is important to embrace the technology around us. Why not? Also it SAVES money.

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